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You Asked, Dr. Yola Answered!

Honoring Black Maternal Health Week through Transparency
As we celebrate Black Maternal Health Week, I reflect upon my journey to motherhood. At first, I hesitated to share this moment of...

3 Steps to Optimizing Mental Health
Our mental health is just as important as our physical health. When people think about mental health, they often think about conditions...

Healing Through Joy and Humor
Finding your joy is critical to optimizing your health. Research shows that being happier doesn’t just make you feel better. It actually...

7 Steps to Getting More Zzzz's
Sleep is a critical component to optimal health! Lack of sleep has a significant impact on many systems of the body. Not getting your...

Five Ways to Boost Your Immune System
Your immune system is your body’s main line of defense against viruses, harmful bacteria, and parasites. A strong immune system decreases...

Ten Numbers to Know to Optimize Your Health
To celebrate our beautiful bodies, we need to know our health numbers! Keeping track of specific health markers like your weight, weight...

Heart Health 101!
Cardiovascular disease, sometimes referred to as heart disease, is the number one killer in our county. It includes a wide range of...

4 Ways to Eat the Rainbow and Optimize Your Health!
February is Heart Health Month and Black History Month! We celebrate both by highlighting ways to keep our bodies healthy! Did you know...

Top 10 COVID-19 Myths Demystified
1. “I don’t need the vaccine if I had COVID.” If you previously had COVID-19, you still need to be vaccinated. Studies show that natural...

7 Ways to Love Your TaTas!
1. Know the Stats 1 in 8 women in the US will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. 85% of breast cancer diagnoses occur in...

7 Tips to Send Our Little Ones Back to School Safely!
1. Know the School Plan The thought of sending our children back to school is anxiety-provoking for most parents, especially for those...

Ten Skills to Build Healthy Meals
Make half your plate veggies and fruits Vegetables and fruits are full of nutrients and help to promote good health. Choose red, orange,...

The ABC's on BMI
Knowing What Your Child’s Weight Means It’s important to be at a healthy weight. Body Mass Index—or BMI—and waist size are two numbers...

Rethink Your Drink!
Rethink Your Drink! Did you know that drinking one can of soda a day can result in 30 pounds of sugar consumption over a year! With...
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